Test center & R&D dept
The ADOP France Test center
Our capacity to test the molds we manufacture is definitely an additional strength.In addition to this, our solid collaboration with the major machine manufacturers allows us to fine tune complete projects in Europe thus offering turn key solutions to our overseas customers.
But The ADOP France test center also serves :
- As a prototype testing/validation unit
- As a training center for our customers’ technicians & engineers
- As a laboratory for testing or sampling new raw materials, additives, pigments...
- As a "new technological & solution development arena”
The ADOP France R&D department
The ADOP France R&D department is continuously committed to pushing back the technological limits thus allowing you to reach your targets and realize your customers' dream part!The motto of the ADOP R&D team is "if it can’t be done…ADOP will do it!”
And so for many years now we’ve been working on all types of materials and technology in the following fields :
- Extremely thick wall IBM transparent Copolyester parts to resemble glass
- Extremely thin wall parts in IBM
- IML with IBM & EBM technology
- IMA with IBM technology
* DARE TO DESIGN YOUR DREAM PART : ADOP France will manufacture the dream mold to produce it!